2025-03-27 Version 6.4.27
- I’ve added a tournament series tab to the tourney calendar page.
- I’ve improved the synchronization.
- Session notes will close when you click outside the trend.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-03-19 Version 6.4.25
- Saved bankroll filters will now sync across all your devices.
- I’ve added a skip button to the hand replayer. Now you can skip players and straddle from every position. I’ve also improved the display of player names and optimized the position of players and chips at the table.
- I’ve improved the notifications.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-03-14 Version 6.4.22
- To reducing unnecessary data transfer, images are loaded only when they are in the field of view.
- I’ve updated some libraries.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-03-08 Version 6.4.17
- You can disable floating buttons now.
- It’s now possible to share a hand history with one click.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-02-27 Version 6.4.14
- I’ve improved the live session section and added a faster update button.
- I’ve improved the synchronization.
- I’ve added a log file viewer.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-02-01 Version 6.4.8
- When you start a live tournament, a blind timer will be displayed and a standard structure will be used, which can be customized.
- You can bulk edit the hands played per hour in your sessions.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-01-20 Version 6.4.5
- I’ve optimized the autocompletion of the live session start form.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-01-10 Version 6.4.3
- You can now specify which player you are in the player notes. Then you’ll be shown statistics between you and the other players.
- You can click on the profile pictures to enlarge them.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2025-01-02 Version 6.4.1
- We’ve added Chinese (Traditional).
- We’ve added UBTC and USDT to the currency list.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2024-12-23 Version 6.4.0
- You can now create multiple bankrolls.
- I’ve added a recycle bin to restore deleted sessions.
- You can now insert negative rebyus to track ratholing in cash games.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2024-12-09 Version 6.3.29
- The location overview is now displayed in the venue currency instead of your default currency.
- I’ve added an option to share a tag with all friends.
- You can pull-to-refresh the calendar page to load new tournament data.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2024-12-04 Version 6.3.26
- I’ve added a new session history, you can see all notes and stack updates in one list.
- You can edit the start stack in a tournament live session.
- You can hide notes till the end of a session. Useful when you’re at a table with friends.
- You can hide results to yourself in a live session.
- You can write notes on a Jackpot/Bonus session.
- Pro users now have a badge on their profile.
- I’ve re-designed the tournament details page.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2024-11-16 Version 6.3.22
- Abbreviations from 1k can now be switched off.
- I’ve fixed a small bug.
2024-11-12 Version 6.3.20
- I’ve improved the Emoji section.
- You can filter for Bounty winnings.
- You can not only choose between 1234.56 and 1234,56 as your preferred number format, but you can also decide whether the currency symbol should be placed before $1234 or after 1234€.
- I’ve improved the haptics and the UI a bit.
- I’ve fixed a small bug.
2024-10-30 Version 6.3.14
- I’ve improved the way to enter stakings.
- When you share your sessions with friends, the session notes are now displayed.
- Fixed a bug.
2024-08-25 Version 6.3.11
- You can edit your comments now.
- Emojis are displayed with timestamp.
- You can update session details on paused sessions.
- I’ve fixed some minor bugs.
2024-07-17 Version 6.3.9
- I’ve added 5 Card Omaha to the replayer and odds calculator.
- Now you have an option to accept all friend requests automatically.
- I’ve added a 4-color deck.
- I’ve fixed some minor bugs.
2024-07-01 Version 6.3.5
- I’ve added landscape mode.
- I’ve reduced the ad frequency for free version users. From now on, an ad banner will be shown every 2 hours instead of every hour.
- I’ve fixed some minor bugs.
2024-06-08 Version 6.3.3
- You can now share tags with friends to give them access to sessions that are older than 7 days. This is perfect if you have a staking deal. Simply tag all your staked sessions with “Staking Deal” and share the tag with your stakeholders.
- I’ve added a “hours” column in the CG and MTT overview.
- You can edit sessions from the Locations popup page.
- I’ve fixed some minor bugs.
2024-05-07 Version 6.3.0
- Now you can start today’s tournaments from the calendar.
- I’ve redesigned the commenting feature.
- Now you can send emoticons and comments to friend sessions and hand replays.
- I’ve added a new game type called “Multi-Day Tournament” where you can enter your total playing time in hours.
- I’ve fixed some minor bugs.
2024-04-12 Version 6.2.12
- I’ve added a Analysis Hub tab to share hands with friends.
- I set the hand visibility to “share with friends only” by default. When you share a hand in the browser, the visibility will change to “share with everyone”.
- You can edit cards, stacks, player name during a hand recording.
- I’ve fixed some bugs.
2024-03-23 Version 6.2.0
- I’ve improved the hand replayer and stats tracker. It is now possible to save replays before the showdown to ask friends how they would have continued playing here. You can set players to sit out/seat open. You can also move the button or players to other places using drag and drop. You can use longer names and place several identical names such as TAG or LAG at the table and many more small improvements.
2024-03-14 Version 6.1.66
- I’ve added a new option that displays abbreviations like AcAd in images.
2024-03-10 Version 6.1.63
- I’ve integrated a filter on the hand replayer page.
- Now you can set replayer hands to “visible only for friends” instead of public.
- I’ve made the menu a bit clearer.
- I fixed a bug.
2024-03-02 Version 6.1.61
- I improved the notifications on Android 14+.
- I improved the location and tags info page.
- I improved the tournament calendar.
- I fixed a bug.
2024-02-02 Version 6.1.57
- I added Japanese.
- I added fun with flags.
- I fixed a small bug.
2024-01-22 Version 6.1.55
- I added Italian.
- I added more filters.
- I made some improvements on the live session page.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-12-02 Version 6.1.50
- I improved the tournament calendar.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-11-29 Version 6.1.48
- I’ve made it easier to add a tournament.
- I’ve improved the keyboard selection.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-11-13 Version 6.1.44
- I added a tab for tags. You can tag sessions and group them together. For example, tag “Vegas Trip 2023” all sessions of your poker trip. The tags tab displays a summary. If you click on a tag, you will see a graph and even more statistics.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-10-30 Version 6.1.41
- Now you can save filter settings.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-10-26 Version 6.1.40
- I added BTC as a new currency.
- Cash games are now grouped into micro, low, mid and high stakes.
- I added a overview for played games.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-09-10 Version 6.1.36
- You can see the friends list in a player’s profile now. If you don’t want to publish your friends list, you can change this in the settings.
- I added a rebuy amount filter.
- Now you can close the fullscreen graph with a double-click.
- I fixed a small bug.
2023-09-08 Version 6.1.35
- Rejected friend requests are now placed on a separate block list. This prevents these users from sending new requests. They will remain blocked until you remove them from the block list.
- You can see the friends list of other players.
- You need to confirm before starting a tournament from the calendar.
- We fixed some small bugs.
2023-09-05 Version 6.1.34
- Now you can change the currency and exchange rate when you bulk edit a location.
- Now you need to confirm before restarting a session.
- We fixed some small bugs.
2023-08-05 Version 6.1.30
- I’ve improved the friend requests.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-07-18 Version 6.1.28
- I’ve added the Chinese language.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-07-02 Version 6.1.27
- I’ve improved the Tournament Calendar.
- I’ve improved the Live-Chipcount feature.
- I’ve fixed a few bugs.
2023-06-23 Version 6.1.23
- I’ve added new currencies.
- Now you can filter for sessions with 0 rebuys.
- I’ve fixed a small bug.
2023-06-10 Version 6.1.19
- Now you can disable spell checking and auto-complete.
- I’ve fixed a small bug.
2023-04-23 Version 6.1.12
- I’ve added a full screen trend.
- I’ve added the Profit/Date trend again.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-04-03 Version 6.1.9
- Now you will get a notification when you have a paused live session running.
- You can export a specific time period to CSV.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-03-19 Version 6.1.6
- Now you can insert CG sessions with a 3rd blind.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-03-05 Version 6.1.3
- Choose between a digital clock or a Time-Picker wheel.
- You can rotate the Replayer now.
- Choose whether large numbers over 1000 should be rounded or not.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-03-02 Version 6.1.1
- Add tags to your sessions and use it to filter your bankroll.
- I’ve changed the Date-Time-Picker to a digital clock.
- I’ve added a live session pause timer.
- You can edit the end time when you finish a live session.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-02-20 Version 6.0.44
- A warning will be displayed if not all data has been correctly synchronized with the server.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-02-16 Version 6.0.39
- Tournaments added to the calendar can now be edited and deleted.
- I’ve fixed some small bugs.
2023-01-28 Version 6.0.34
- Now you can find and delete duplicate sessions in bulk editing.
- Fixed some small bugs.
2023-01-25 Version 6.0.33
- Improved the Hand Replayer.
- Fixed some small bugs.
2023-01-22 Version 6.0.32
- Added a Location info screen.
- Added a Auto-complete on the Tournament name input.
- Improved the graphs.
- Fixed some small bugs.
2022-12-21 Version 6.0.29
- Added more filter options.
- Fixed a bug.
This site is still under construction, we will add older release notes soon.