How to import a CSV export from another app?
Currently, you can directly import CSV backups from the following apps:
- Bink Poker Tracker (read the text below)
- Left Pocket Bankroll Manager
- Poker Analytics
- Pokerbase (read the text below)
- Poker Expert
- Poker Income (read the text below)
- Poker Journal
- Poker Ledger
- Poker Manager
- Poker Sheet (read the text below)
- Poker Track Pro
- Regroup Pocker Tools
- Run Good
Navigate to Account, scroll down, click on “Import from CSV”, choose the app from which the CSV comes and import your file directly. You don’t need to edit the file before.
Import from Pokerbase: When you export your data from Pokerbase, the only columns you get are date, location, expense, currency and profit. You can import this file, but we will add all sessions as cash games. To avoid this, you can edit the CSV export with a spreadsheet program and add the columns buyin, cashout, type, game and limit. In the type column, add “Cash Game” or “Tournament” and in the limit column, add “No Limit” or “Pot Limit”. Buyin, cashout and game are self-explanatory.
Import from Poker Income: When you export your data from Poker Income, you will receive an email with text only. The attached CSV files are blank, this is a bug on Poker Incomes site. Copy the email text into a text editor and save the file as “ANYNAME.csv”. Now you can import this file into your PBT account.
Import from Poker Sheet: When you export your data from Poker Sheet, you don’t get the type of your sessions. You can import this file, but we will add all sessions as cash games. To avoid this, you can edit the CSV export with a spreadsheet program and add the column “type”. Add “Cash Game” or “Tournament” for every row.
Import form Bink: When you export your data from Bink, your notes are not enclosed in quotation marks. You need to open the exported file with a text editor and put all notes in quotation marks. Also, Bink does not export the start time of your sessions, only the date and length. Therefore, we set the start time of all sessions to 6 p.m.
Why doesn’t the app show my pro status?
Go to the Pro Version page and click on “check Pro status” to restore your Pro status. If the app still not restore your Pro status, please check the following steps:
- First of all: the Pro subscription is an annual subscription, maybe your subscription is expired?
- The Pro subscription is managed by Apple (iOS) or Google (Android) and is linked to your Apple or Google account. If you switch systems, e.g. if you have subscribed under Android but want to use the Pro version under iOS, please note the text below:
If you switch from Apple to Android or vice versa:
- Open PBT on your old device and log in to your PBT account. Go to the Pro version page and click on “check your pro status”. This will link the Pro version subscription to your PBT account. Make sure you have the latest App version (5.x or higher) installed!
- Install the App on your new device and log in to your PBT account. That’s it, the Pro version is also available on your new device.
- Don’t forget to cancel your Pro version subscription on your old system (Google Play Store or Apple App Store). Otherwise, your subscription will auto-renew and you need your old device again to transfer the status to your new device. You can re-subscribe to the Pro version on your new device when the old subscription expired.
- If you don’t have access to your old device, please send a bug report with the text “switch Pro version to the new system” and we will activate the Pro version manually.
Android user:
- The Pro subscription is linked to your Google account. You must be signed in to the same Google account that you used to purchase the Pro version. Open the Poker Bankroll Tracker, go to the Pro version page and click on „Manage your subscriptions“. This will open the Google PlayStore where you can manage your active subscriptions. If you can’t find your subscription here, you may not be logged into the PlayStore with the same Google account that you used to subscribe.
Apple user:
- If you check your Pro status, you will be asked to log into your Apple account. You have to log in to access your pro status.
- The Pro subscription is linked to your Apple account. You must be signed in to the same Apple account that you used to purchase the Pro version. Open the Poker Bankroll Tracker, go to the Pro version page and click on „Manage your subscriptions“. This will open your Apple account details where you can manage your active subscriptions. If you can’t find your subscription here, you may not be logged into the AppStore with the same Apple account that you used to subscribe.
If the app still doesn’t recognise your Pro status, click on “Manage your subscriptions” on the Pro version page and send us a screenshot of your active subscription to Please also tell us your Apple ID or Google ID.
Why does the Pro version subscription price change sometimes?
We are based in Europe and calculate prices in euros. We charge 24.99 EUR for the Pro version annual subscription (which is only 2.08 EUR per month). Once a year we adjust the prices for all currencies to the current exchange rates (24.99 EUR = ??? IN YOUR CURRENCY). That means, depending on how strong your local currency is and how high the tax in your Country is, your subscription price sometimes rises slightly and sometimes decreases a bit.
In case of price changes, you will always be notified by Google or Apple and you need to agree to them before the next debit occurs. If you do not agree to the price change, your subscription will be canceled.
Why do we offer only subscriptions and not a single purchase?
I continue to develop the app and I have to be compensated somehow. In the past, you bought “Windows XP”, then “Windows 7” and then “Windows 8” etc. In my eyes a better solution is an annual fee, so I can continuously develop the app and provide new features directly. If I would publish a new app version every year (e.g. “PBT2”), you would always have to buy it and get the new features only once a year.
Besides, you would have to install “PBT2” and transfer all data from “PBT1”, every year. That would be cumbersome and would have more disadvantages than advantages for both sides.
Why I don’t see my friend’s results?
If you don’t see your friend’s results on your Homescreen, check the following:
- Both players must allow each other to follow.
- Your Homescreen shows only your friend’s sessions for the last 7 days.
- Make sure your friend doesn’t mark his session as privat.
- The Leaderboard shows friend’s who have played at least 5 sessions in the last 3 months. They also have to share their 3-month-trend.
- If you want to see your friends’ 3-month-trend, you must also share your 3-month-trend.
Why does my bankroll summary seems incorrect?
If your bankroll summary shows an incorrect amount, check the following things:
- Is your default currency correct? The bankroll overview shows your profit in your default currency which you can choose in the settings. When you play in Canada but your default currency is $USD your bankroll overview shows an $USD amount, not an $CAD amount.
- Do you have a session in a foreign currency? Let’s say your default currency is USD and your profit so far is $1000 USD. You travel to Australia and play a session in AUD where you win $100 AUD (exchange rate $1 AUD = $0.65 USD). Your session overview should now show $1065 USD total profit.
- Have you setup a filter? If you filter your bankroll like “year = 2019” your bankroll overview contains only sessions from 2019.
Why does my BB/hour seems incorrect?
Sometimes you have a big gap between your BB/hour and hourly. Here is an example of how this could happen:
You played a 1 hour cash game session with blinds $1/$2 and an profit of $200 which is 100BB/hour. Your second session is also 1 hour but with blinds $2/$4 and a loss of -$300 which is -75BB/hour. You played 2 hours, lost -$100 and your hourly is -$50/hour. You won 100BB in your first session and lost 75BB in the second session. As a result you won 25BB or 12.5BB/hour but lost -$100 or -$50/hour.
Why does my playing time seems incorrect?
If your playing time in hours seems to be too long, this is often due to incorrectly entered sessions. For example, a session is entered with a start date of July 11, 2022 and an end date of July 11, 2023.
To find these sessions, use the “Duration Filter” and search for sessions that lasted longer than 24 hours. If you find an incorrect session, press and hold it to edit it and correct the data.
Why is the preset start time always in the past?
When you enter a session, the App remembers the duration of your last session, for example, 4 hours. So when you enter a new entry, which most people do at the end of a session, the App will suggest the current time as the end time and the time 4 hours ago as the start time.
If you want to create an entry at the beginning of your session, you should start a live session.
Why doesn’t the variance calculation show any data?
You must enter at least 5 cash game sessions. If it still doesn’t show any data, you may be entering your sessions incorrectly. You probably just named the game “NL 1/3”, but in the SB and BB fields you entered 0. This doesn’t work.
- Go to the bankroll page and swipe right to the “Maintenance” tab.
- Click on “Bulk Edit Cash Games” and select the game you want to bulk edit, e.g. “NL 1/3”.
- Type in a new game name, e.g. “Holdem” and insert the SB = 1 and BB = 3.
- Do this for all your incorrectly added games.
- When finished, swipe to the “Session” tab, long press on any session and click on “Edit”.
- The session edit page will open. Scroll down and click “save”.
I don’t have a comma on my keyboard and can’t enter decimal numbers
Some Android keyboards don’t offer a comma on number input fields and it isn’t possible to enter decimal amounts.
In this case you can transform all number input fields to text input fields. Go to the settings and activate the transform button.
Is there a limit to the number of sessions the app can handle?
No, but the performance is better with 1000 instead of 10000 sessions. The Poker Bankroll Tracker is primarily made for live poker and even a professional poker player rarely has so many sessions. That’s the reason why we don’t support importing sessions from Poker Tracker or Holdem Manager (PC Software).
The database of these software are often very huge and would end up in a very poor performance on a mobile phone. In addition, we are constantly working to improve the performance.
How to create/edit and import a CSV file into the Poker Bankroll Tracker App?
- To edit or create a CSV file, we recommend the free Spreadsheet program of Open Office.
- Your CSV file must contain certain headline fields. You can see the exact structure in this example file.
- After editing, upload the file from your Computer to our Server:
- Important: The CSV file must be saved with the character set “UTF-8”, the field separator “,” and the first row must contain “—PBT Bankroll Export—” only!
These are the certain fields and the available values:
Column header | Available values | Declaration |
id | numbers | This is the unique id in our server database. Don’t change it! If you enter a new session to the CSV file, set the id = 0. |
starttime | Start of the session, for example: 2017-01-23 18:30:00 | must be in the following ISO format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTES:SECONDS (24 hours time format) |
endtime | End of the session, for example: 2017-01-24 01:12:00 | must be in the following ISO format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTES:SECONDS (24 hours time format) |
breakminutes | Breaks in minutes | |
playingminutes | Playing time in minutes | This field is optional, You don’t need it to import. It makes the calculation of the real playing time on the computer easier. |
variant | Cash Game, Tournament, Casino Games, Jackpot/Bonus, Costs, Deposit/Payout | Use “Deposit/Payout” for withdraw and “Costs” for hotel or other extra costs. |
game | Texas Holdem, Omaha or what ever you have played | |
limit | No Limit, Pot Limit, Spread Limit, Limit, Mix | |
location | The name of the location | compulsory field, not allowed characters are \ ‘ [ ] { } |
type | Home Game, Casino, Online, Club | |
buyin | Your buyin | without Rebuys or Addons |
cashout | Your cashout | total Amount |
netprofit | Your net profit | This field is optional, You don’t need it to import. It shows you the net profit on the computer. |
grossprofit | Your gross profit | This field is optional, You don’t need it to import. It shows you the gross profit on the computer. |
sharesincomings | Your income | if you don’t sell shares, leave it blank |
sharesoutgoings | Your outgoings | if you don’t sell shares, leave it blank |
rebuys | Number of Rebuys | |
rebuycosts | Total costs of Rebuys | |
addoncosts | Total costs of Addons | only for tournaments |
bounties | Winnings from Bounties | only for tournaments |
bountycosts | Costs of Bounties | only for tournaments, payed with the Tournament Buyin |
smallblind | The small blind | only for cash games |
bigblind | The big blind | only for cash games |
3rdblind | An optional 3rd blind | only for cash games |
ante | The ante | only for cash games |
exchangerate | 1 for example | If you play in your default currency, the exchange rate is 1. If you play in EUR and your default currency is USD for example, the exchange rate is around 1.05 (February 2017). |
tablesize | Heads-Up, Short-Handed, Full-Ring | |
expenses | Expenses like parking | |
expensesfromstack | Expenses like tips payed from stack during a cash game session | only for cash games |
handsperhour | How many hands did you played per hour | |
place | The place you made | only for tournaments |
player | The number of players who participated in the tournament | only for tournaments |
itm | The number of players who have come into the money. | only for tournaments |
mttname | Name of the tournament, for example: Daily Deepstack | only for tournaments |
startstack | Startstack | only for tournaments |
private | 0 or 1 (1 = don’t show the session to your friends) | it will be created by the app, just leave it blank when you create a new CSV |
casinoid | Number | it will be created by the app, just leave it blank when you create a new CSV |
staking | yes or no | do you staked someone or played by yourself |
stakingplayer | The name of the player you staked | |
sessionnote | A note about the session | |
notes | Notes about the chip trend | it will be created by the app, just leave it blank when you create a new CSV |
chipgraph | it will be created by the app, just leave it blank when you create a new CSV | |
updatetimes | Unix timestamp of the live-chipcount updates | it will be created by the app, just leave it blank when you create a new CSV |
I’m a vlogger, can i use your replayer in my videos?
Of course, feel free to use our hand replayer in your videos or any social media platform. We also have a bluescreen replayer (link) if you want to overlay it.